Black History Code Posters - Viola Desmond, Oscar Peterson, Rosemary Brown, Fred Thomas
The QR Code on these posters lead any smart phone to open our educational microsite: www.blackqr.ca
The site contains Black figures in Canadian history, as well as education and resources surrounding how to better show up as an ally, for Black individuals today, such FAQ, and terms.
This poster is downloadable and will contain 4 different Black Historical figures: Viola Desmond, Oscar Peterson, Rosemary Brown, Fred Thomas.
Please note: This product is a downloadable pdf. not a physical copy.
If you would like to support our work, feel free to buy a shirt, or make a small donation to our work in schools here: https://building-bridges.causevox.com!
Refund policy for orders outside of Canada: No exchanges or returns for orders outside of Canada. As per our policies, if your item is damaged, or we shipped the wrong size to you, or another comparable error, we will of course replace it. But beyond that, we are unable to create return labels for orders outside of Canada.