About Us


Get REAL is a Canadian non-profit whose mission is to combat 2SLGBTQ+ discrimination, racism, and bullying in schools, summer camps, and workplaces. Our merchandise helps fund our work! Every order is shipped with a piece of feedback written by real students across Canada who have participated in one of our workshops, like below:


Get REAL was founded in 2011, inspired by our experiences volunteering in the Welcome Week program at Western University. As older mentors to hundreds of students each year, we began noticing that we were having success talking to our first years about derogatory (homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc) language, and creating a safer space for marginalized students who were looking to express themselves. We were close in age, friendly, non-judgemental, and personal -- we often opened up about our own lives to build a genuine, honest, human connection. Because of this approach, we saw countless students changing their language within days, and countless others coming out to us and feeling more comfortable being themselves. The idea was posed: 'Could we take what we've learned and build a high school workshop program?' and Get REAL was born.


Get REAL has evolved in amazing ways that we couldn't have imagined. We have spoken to over 1 million students in 9 provinces and 3 states. We have a core full-time staff based in Toronto, and have been featured on CBC's "The National", Global News' "Hometown Heroes", CTV, Much Music, the National Post, and more. In addition to helping support our workshop program, your merchandise purchase supports our university chapters, our two high school after-school programs (in Ontario and in Manitoba), our virtual counselling program, and the creation of digital educational resources like "Bind Safe", "Unconditional Love", and "Black History Matters." 

 Download the full 2024 Impact Report HERE!

Thank you for your support. By wearing our clothing you are helping us support Black, 2SLGBTQ+ and marginalized youth and create allies, one school, camp, or workplace at a time. Give us a shout to fundraise, shoot with us, bulk order for your school, camp, or workplace, or otherwise get involved! 


Get REAL respects your privacy. Read our Privacy Policy here



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